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January 19, 2016
       January 19, 2016
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Renee McDonough, Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson and Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


  • Received an email from the Town Administrator regarding a contractual document relative to the Land Grant Fieldstone Farm that needs to be signed by the PCC before January 31, 2016.  Tom Sullivan attended the meeting and discussed the signing of the Land Grant.  John Vieira sat in on the conference call with EOEA, DCR, Town of Princeton, and Audubon.  John discussed the funding for the project that was discussed on the conference call.  The Board of Selectman has signed the contract already.   Brian Keevan raised questions on the cover letter from EOEA.  PCC went over the numbered paragraph in the contract.  PCC thinks that the Management Plan needs to be assessed on a periodic time frame.  Motion to approve the contract for the Land Acquisition was made.  Sue Mitchell abstained from signing the contract.  The contract was signed by the other members.
  • John asked if a Recording for the Order of Conditions was received for Mirick Road – Macomber property.   Sue Mitchell had the Book and Page written down that she got from Paula Callahan at Andrysick Land Surveying.   Marsha will contact Doug Andrysick to confirm that the Order of Conditions was recorded.

  • A Forest Cutting plan was received from William Holder for 45 Goodnow Road 24.5 acres.  The map was very sloppy and had many stream crossings and no staging or landing area shown.  Renee McDonough will contact the Forester to discuss this.  A new map was submitted.
  • Forest Cutting Plan Final Report received from DCR for Burco, Inc. for East Princeton Road (Rte. 31).

  • Renee McDonough spoke with Mike Downey the Service Forest Manager regarding the property on Brook Station Road.  Some of the cutting was not done per the Forest Cutting Plan; he will not issue a Final approval until a site visit takes place in the spring.  PCC would like permission to do a site visit with the forester to confirm the wetland boundaries.  

The minutes from the December 16, 2015 meetings were accepted with minor changes as noted.  
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Marsha Dowdy